I would like to develop a pack for Coda. I’m new in Coda and CodaAPI.
I have some question, please see below: (sorry if I’m repeating earlier questions by someone)
Is there a standard structure of a pack ? What is a basic skeleton of a Coda Pack for the successfull registration in google script?
Can I create triggers for create, update, delete and open doc or table rows ?
I’d like to collect my functions into the pack
3. Can I place buttons and other UI elements on User Dashboard by my pack?
4. Could You send me gs examples for pack creation?
I have no extra desire with pack type.
I would like to develop in clear google script a pack.
I think so not enough to write google script functions one after the other to start a Coda Pack.
I think that will be enough help for me, if I can see a basic functionality in a GS Coda Pack structure.
How can I add a user element to a table by a pack function ? etc…
I see, sorry for the confusion! I haven’t done anything Coda API related but I would start with the documentation, inside you can see examples in Google Apps Script.
And here is a great tutorial made by Master @Al_Chen_Coda on how to pass info between 2 Coda Docs and between a GSheet and a Coda Doc.