Grids in Canvas using free allowance

Hi All,

Following on from this question:
Checklist within a row? - Ask the Community - Coda Maker Community

The best solution for us was a grid in a canvas column.

But, adding just 1 or two rows with a grid in seems to MASSIVELY eat a document’s free allowance e.g. current doc size with 200+ rows in the table is ~26%. Adding a single row with a 22 line grid in takes that to 57% and adding another row with a grid in takes it to 98%!

Is this a bug in the calculation, or is it genuinely using more space for some technical reason? If the latter, is there a more efficient way to do this?

Thanks for reaching out to let us know about this issue. This sounds like it might be a bug based on the information you’ve provided. That said, I would recommend reaching out to the Coda Support team by clicking the ? in the bottom right corner of your Coda screen and submitting a bug report with this information, as well as access to your doc that you’re encountering this issue with.

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