Grouping Individually from Two lists

Grouping individually from two lists: one multi select and one single select

I have a document with a form for people to submit requests –as part of the requests, users have to select the “Software Provider”

The Software Provider is a separate table and contains about 50 providers (and growing -if users don’t find the Provider they need, they can add one to the list). Requests can only be tied to ONE provider.

When my team is reviewing the requests, we have another column where we select a “Category” - there are only 10 categories, but one request might have multiple categories.

Right now, I have three tables:

  • Requests (form responses)
  • Software providers
  • Categories

I need to be able to Group by Software Provider AND by Category in a way that all Providers are listed only once, and all categories are listed only once. This way i would be able to see for a specific provider, what are all the categories that have requests and within the category what are all those requests.

I don’t want to duplicate all categories for each software provider because then I end up with a table of ~1200 rows and it is so messy/heavy

Any ideas??

Could you share a mockup of what you are looking for?

I am not certain of EXACTLY what you are looking for, and it will make it much easier for the community to provide suggestions.

Are you looking for group-> subgroup? on the left, across the top, or both?
Do you want to be able to filter by one and then the other?

If I understand correctly, the problem is that a request that belongs to -Category A- and -Category B- will not show up two times (once in -Category A- and once in -Category B-) but will be grouped in a combined Group -Category A, Category B-, right?

Since the requests will have to appear multiple times (Because it can belong to multiple categories), it cannot be the requests table that is being used to group things in.

I encountered the same obstacle and I’m currently trying to build a (hopefully automated) 4th table that lists all requests as many times as there’s categories associated with it.

I’ll keep you updated if I find a solution