How can I get the summaries be a percentage of the sums, not an average of the percentages?

Hello! I’ve been working on this problem for several hours and have searched everywhere for a solution. It seems like it should be simple, but I am perplexed. I would appreciate any insight or suggestion!

I am trying to make a dashboard in Coda in order to track sales conversions. I have one main table that has the Name of the sales person, the date, number of new leads (labeled “new”), number of leads closed (labeled “starts”) and finally a percentage of how many leads started, which is a formula: starts/new.

When I add the summary row to the table, the averages of the percentages aren’t correct. It averages the percentages, even if there is a zero or blank, and in this table there will be a lot of zeros and blanks because sales starts don’t always happen on the same day as the lead comes in. So for example for one day, a sales person has 125 new leads and 0 starts, that is a 0%. But the next day they have 50 leads and 25 starts, that is 50%. The summary row average shows 25% but in reality that week they had 175 new leads and 25 starts so the summary average should be 14%.

How can I get the summaries be a percentage of the sums, not an average of the percentages?

Hello @Brett_Jones ,

You have to do your calculation using the source numbers, not the intermediate calculations. If you share a dummy doc that resembles your doc, one of the community members can show you exactly how this is done.


Thank you so much for the support!

Here is a link to a dummy doc, let me know if you need it a different way.

Much appreciation.

Bumping to see if there are any suggestions to help. Thank you so much.

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