How to convert a number to binary?

This is just for fun!

What’s your best formula for converting a number to a binary representation?

E.g. if you are given 24, you should output a list like 0,1,1,0,0,0.

Leading zeros are ok. Can be big or little endian (meaning, the 1 place can be on the right or left).

Looking forward to seeing what you can come up with. I struggled quite a bit with this, it was fun :slight_smile:

You can see mine doesn’t handle 0s as input very well :confused:

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Hi @cnr
first of all, I officially hate you! :smiley:

I had a lot of work to do today and you infected me with this trick.

I came up with this solution:

Basically the formula is:

If(Number = 0,0,
  Sequence(Log(Number, Base).RoundDown(), 0, -1)
      RoundDown(Number / Power(Base, step)).Remainder(Base)

Now I’m curious about yours (and others’)! :grinning:

Slightly changed for multi-base conversions

And multi-symbol…

Ok, now I really stop.

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Woooooow! That’s so cool! I didn’t even think to make it multi-base. I figured it would be much more complicated, but it’s basically the same as the original algorithm.

Well done! The use of Sequence(start, 0, -1) is very clever! Nice work :slight_smile:

Here’s mine for binary only:

Sequence(0, Ceiling(Log([expected outcome], 2))).ReverseList().FormulaMap(
  If(IsOdd(Floor([expected outcome] / Power(2, CurrentValue))),

Yeah: it’s basically the same.
I was very curious because without recurring functions is always quite tricky.

Remainder() instead of IsOdd() acts as the multi-base enabler, this is the only substantial difference.

Let’s see what come if somebody else is compulsive enough to spend some time on it :wink:


Yeah I was also confused how to do it at first without recursive functions. All my base changing algorithms have been recursive. Fun (and surprisingly easy) to do it as a loop.

Another way to do just the binary: convert to hex using existing formula, then take each hex number and convert it into 4 bits e.g. like this:

    If(Find(CurrentValue, "89ABCDEF") != -1, "1", "0"),
    If(Find(CurrentValue, "4567CDEF") != -1, "1", "0"),
    If(Find(CurrentValue, "2367ABEF") != -1, "1", "0"),
    If(Find(CurrentValue, "13579BDF") != -1, "1", "0")

Another version, less hardcoding:

    List(8, 4, 2, 1).FormulaMap(
      RoundDown(Hex / CurrentValue).Remainder(2)

Once you get out of decimal, it’s easy to do oct <–> bin <–> hex.
My assumption is that ToHexadecimal would be much more performant (a native integer loop or whatever) than calculating powers and dividing by those

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