How to duplicate row and duplicate related rows with one button

Good afternoon. Please help me to understand. How can I duplicate a row but have the associated column duplicate all items.

I understand that I must first duplicate certain items from the table “Poziții Conturi-Manual DB”, but how do I then link these items to a new row from the table - “Conturi-Manual DB”? If I simply duplicate a row, the items from the “Poziții” row are simply appended to the existing ones.

If I’ve understood what you mean, here it is:

Thank you for your prompt reply. But it didn’t help, I entered this parameter, but now when I duplicate a row, the row is duplicated, but the elements that were in the previous line “Poziții” are not duplicated and accordingly the row “Poziții” is already empty

okay what exactly are you trying to do so I didn’t quite get it

I apologize for my English. I probably didn’t explain it very well.

I have attached a screenshot where you can see the positions that, when duplicating the main row should also be duplicated. But now when I duplicate the main row (table “Conturi-Manual DB”), the linked row (“Poziții”) is not duplicated but linked to both the previous row and the new row

To put it even more simply: I need that when you click on the “Duplicați rows” button, all positions in the “Poziții” table are duplicated, but they are duplicated so that there is no connection with the previous row.

Ok, np, its good :wink: I update formula btn and add text column → tmpObject


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Wow! Brilliant, this is exactly what I wanted, thank you very much for your help!

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