In Table B under “Selectable Options” (which is a lookup column from the Table A) I would like to be able to only select rows from Table A that DON’T have any of the “Current Rows” under their “Associated Rows”
So that would be Row 2, 3 and 4. Excluding the Row 1 because he contains “Current rows” (Row 2 and 3) under his “Associated rows”
Unless I completely misunderstood your question, you can do that by adding a Custom filter in your [Selectable options] lookup which you’ll find in Lookup Options → Option Settings → Custom Filter and then click on Add filter
Then, you can either select your lookup [Associated Rows] in the dropdown and add a blank/not blank filter (in this case it should say Blank as you only want to be able to select in Table B the rows where [Associated rows] in the Table A is empty)
Just in case I was wrong in my previous reply (and I feel like I was … Sorry), specifically after re-re-reading this part of you post :
You can still do that using a Custom Filter in your [Selectable options] lookup in your Table B (like previously) and using a formula in your Custom Filter such as this one :
This time , the only selectable options in your [Selectable options] lookup will only be the ones not containing what you selected in the [Current Rows] lookup in your Table B which I think is what you were actually trying to do
In the sample below, you’ll see that the only selectable options are Row 2 and Row 4 because the Current Rows are now Row 3 and Row 4 in the Table B and in Table A only the rows Row 2 and Row 4 don’t contain Row 3 or Row 4 … So I think I got it right time
Exactly what I wanted to accomplish.
I never really used .Not() function before so it didn’t cross my mind.
I was trying to use DoesNotContain() but that doesn’t exist