How to Preserve Filters and Button Functionality When Creating a Coda Template for Resetting Pages

See Loom Here

Summary of the Loom (Problem & Goal):

In my Coda doc, I have a system for managing meeting agendas where the note taker duplicates the page at the end of each meeting. The process involves resetting various table views using a set of buttons that modify rows based on specific filters (e.g., moving tasks marked as “solved” to an old tasks table, resetting upvotes, and clearing ratings). Each button targets a specific filter and action for resetting sections of the agenda.

This workflow functions as expected in the original document. However, when I try to create a template by copying the doc into a new one, I encounter an issue where the filters tied to the buttons no longer work — they are removed or broken in the new template. This disrupts the ability to reset the agenda properly after duplicating the page.

I’m seeking assistance on how I can:

  • Maintain the filters and button functionality in a copied template.
  • Reset various aspects of the agenda (like solved tasks, upvotes, and ratings) while preserving unsolved items for the next meeting.
  • Scale this system to other documents/workspaces without breaking the filter logic.

What are some alternative methods or best practices in Coda that can help me achieve this goal and make the process smoother when duplicating or scaling templates across multiple docs?

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