I'm trying to do away with repetitive data on spreadsheets and I'm not quiet getting there with Coda. Am I using it wrong?

Hey @Aiden_Ibrahim, welcome to the community!

All of this is possible if you design your data correctly. Actually that’s what Coda is perfect for.

Like with any database, you normalize your data first. From my superficial understanding of your case, you’ll have these tables:

  • Buildings — with all properties of a building
  • Floors — with all properties of a floor AND a lookup column (editable) linking this floor entry to a Building (unlike SQL, you don’t link by foreign keys, but via selecting one or multiple foreign rows)
  • Equipment — with all properties of a piece of equipment and a multi-select lookup column (editable) to select one or more Floors where this equipment is found.

When you have your structure, you can link your data backwards, i.e. denormalize by live formulas. Unlike SQL you don’t do that at query time, but at design time. E.g., in Floors table you can create a lookup column with formula that will pull in all Equipment that’s found on this floor:


where thisRow refers to a Floor for which this formula is evaluated (once per row in Floors), and CurrentValue refers to an Equipment row that’s being currently evaluated in a Filter conditional (once per Equipment piece)

Then you can build different sorts of UIs, e.g. a drill-down interface like this but with the Building->Floor->Equipment / Building → Equipment → Floor structure. You can do a lot with buttons.

All the time as a paid consultant / doc builder for hire :slight_smile: