Hey there! Slowly porting over everything I use in Google Sheets into Coda, and thought I’d just share a few thoughts and things.
- For the All Docs list that the homepage opens up to, I’d actually love a little more flexibility with arranging my docs? I had this system where I had it all sorted by name and I’d group docs together based on a number if they were for the same thing, and I’d love to implement it in Coda.
- LOVING the new options to start a table, but I’d really love the option to customize my blank table before generating it? Like an option to populate more than 3 columns or rows? If I could even set the column format before generating it, even cooler
- A variation on that: adding more than one row at a time? I’ve got a thing I wanted to build with 160 items, and it’s unfortunately a spreadsheet at the moment because adding row after row got tedious really quickly
Anyway, I know I got very specific use-cases, so totally understand if none of these will work. And thanks for all the cool (and really regular) updates!