Incorporating AI into a Coda CRM

I have created a CRM (customer relationship management software) in Coda and was wondering about using AI to help me make connections.

I managed to create an AI block, but am not sure how to use it. Is there some documentation on this?

And what are some use cases you can think of for AI in a CRM.

Hi @Garland_Coulson_Captain_Time! Glad to hear you’re trying out AI. There’s some documentation in this guide, but I’d be curious to hear about what specific things you’re trying to do that you’re unsure of, so we can best help.

I’m not immediately aware of any CRM templates using AI, but I’d definitely recommend checking out templates and example docs using AI in our gallery here to get an idea of all the ways you can use AI to enhance your docs :smile:

Possibly relevant…

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