Is an editable Bi-directional relationship possible without Automation?

hey @Ryan_Martens great post!

What I’d really like to see is this functionality better presented somewhere - in the Coda Intercom pages, here in the community, even the YouTube channel. I spent hours upon hours trying to figure this out, and I’m afraid other non-db experts will stumble on this without this being laid out more.

I wrote a post here:

Grouping, and adding to Groups - Guidelines request

asking for some guidance as well. I would hope that the Coda team might be able to start building out some documentation, how to’s, other stuff that would explain the workings of Coda that are known, but very hard to figure out if you are not a developer. Such as in this case the fact that you have to have those multi-select options on both the “allow multiple selections” and “allow quick adding of items” under Item Settings, at least I think.

The fact that bi-directional linking itself is not possible also tripped me up. Much of the time I spent trying to figure this out was not being able to get a grip on the lack of the bi-directional capability, something I assumed - and I think it was a justified assumption - would be a built-in feature of LookUps.

Expanding the Coda Knowledge Base with this material doesn’t require any development bandwidth, so I hope the team can prioritize this without the need to have any features put on backlog while this is accomplished. My own experience in Coda is compromised frequently by not being able to figure out what’s going on in things like lookups, grouping, and layouts (as discussed here.)

Thanks again for the response!