Launched: Grid (simple tables)

Shouts of joy all over the community…:wink:


Great! Amazing! yeah!

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Thank you for hearing our feedback! Can I say that I really appreciate that it’ll be called something different entirely? I think grid fits perfectly. Thanks Coda!


i am so happy that this has been released. Such a simple but effective feature to stop the bloat of tables associated with every table being a data table. As it is it makes a difference, espacially when part of a wiki or text within a canvas column, so common with meetings.

After trying out the beta, my suggestions going forward are:

  1. Build in the ability to merge celle horizontally and vertically to allow the grids formatting to be flexible. In many ways this is why we would use grid as opposed to tables. I can see how using the layouts could allow this to be cludged together, however, not elegantly
  2. All gridline changes and shading colours for cells to allow these grids to standout.
  3. The copy grid menu item seems to work, however, when you just select and copy, the grid becomes a data table.
  4. Allow the properties of a grid to be changed - cells and columns, alternating colours, column header and row headers.

I understand these may be incremental and maybe not even possible, however they would go a long way towards making them useful widespread and differentaite them from. The grids I have used seem stable.

Thanks you for letting us be part of the beta.


I agree with above, and THANK YOU SO MUCH, Coda for giving us these simple tables!

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This is great, thank you!

Out of curiosity, will we be able to programmatically create a grid, or is it purely a formatting structure?

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Thanks for sharing these insights mate as I found it very much useful and informative.

I don’t know if Coda plans to keep Grid completely static in the future, so that the columns always keep the width you give them, regardless of the screen width, and you’ll always have to scroll horizontally as soon as the table width exceeds the screen width.
I think, in some cases, it would also be practical to have a function that adjusts the table to the page width.

It would also be nice to be able to give columns and rows a background color and to format header column and header row.


Any idea when this will be released?

Expect a release in an upcoming update. A beta version of simple tables called “Grid” is already available for those who signed up for testing.

Hi everyone, thank you for your insight and feedback as our team has iterated on grid. I’m excited to share that we’ve now launched grid for all users, so everyone can create and share beautiful layouts in their docs!

As for what’s next, the team is exploring the potential of additional functionality for grids that you’ve requested, such as cell colors. We will keep you updated as we progress and welcome your continued feedback.


This is a great feature!

+1 for merge cells: since the main use case for grids for me is visual presentation of information (not using that information elsewhere ever or I’d be using a table), merge is fantastically useful.

I have a table covering tax regulations right now that would be made a lot clearer if cells were merged.


Hi, I just found out today that Grids that are put in a canvas within a table, cannot show up when the table shared via cross-doc to another Doc.

Does anyone know why or how to fix this issue or maybe workaround for this?

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Quite some time has passed since the release of Grids. However, they still seem unfinished. Here are some features that would be nice to improve:

  • Table header
  • Adding “Header Row” and “Header Column” options
  • Highlighting cells with custom color
  • Merging cells

I would like to hear feedback from the developers on whether Grids are planned to be further developed at all.

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for your continued feedback. As Tanvir mentioned a couple months ago, we’ve been further iterating on grid, and have now introduced the ability to add colors and to turn your grid into a table.

If you want to make your layouts even more beautiful, or to draw attention to specific cells, you can now choose from one of nine colors.

And if you realize the information in your grid would benefit from the functionality of a table, you can now convert it easily.

We’re excited to add more functionality to this heavily requested feature, and thank you all again for your input!


Great work Katy - thank you so much for the convert to table capabilty too!
FYI there is one challenge I run into all the time - when you paste a table into Coda it automatically creates a table and often one wants it to be a Grid. Either can you provide that option or better still can you create a capabilty to convert a table to a grid - or of course both?
Thanks so much!

Thanks @Michael_Skok! I shared your feedback with the team, and we will keep you updated on any additional functionality or features.