Launched: Table comment resolution

Hi everyone!

Too many comments clogging up your tables? Now you can resolve table comments, and only see what matters:



Hey @betty how do we find resolved comments - can they be opened after resolution?

@Johg_Ananda see below:


did you click anything for it to show the re-open button? I dont see it once I resolve it goes away.

Can you try opening the right panel where comments are and click to show all…

@BenLee my man to the rescue! I did that but where in the ‘activated’ dialog do we see the ‘un-resolve’ ability?

For the row comments, click over to “Activity” tab to see where the comment was “Resolved” and there will be a “Re-open” link near it. You might have to click “Show more” if it’s not in the recent activity.

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