Limit on length of text in individual cells?

Hi Codans. I have a use case where I am trying to work around the length limit of individual text cells/fields in Coda. I have written a script that will truncate values that are over a certain length limit before they are imported into Coda, however, I am not sure where to set the length limit. I could use trial and error to figure out Coda’s actual per-cell length limit, but before burning time on that I thought I should ask here if anyone know off the top of their head?

Thanks in advance!

I tested the max limit via a button that created a lot of rows, each row increased the text length by 1 until I hit an error. I was able to create 43,661 rows, and at 43,662 Coda gave me an error for creating that row.

I reconfirmed by trying to create 1 row with 43,661 chars and it worked and then 1 row with 43,662 characters and it coda said:


So looks like the max is 43,661 characters (note I didn’t test any other types just alphanumeric).

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With my OCR pack I overcame this 85 kB write to cell limit by offering options for how the data should be returned


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