Match two (2) tables data by email? | Sync separate table

Hello all,

I’m assuming this is easy to do but but I couldn’t find an article on it.

I have two tables:

Contact data from CRM
Calendly events

I’m cross-docing both docs into a 3rd doc (to show the view of the crm data) for security purposes.

Is there a way for the current CRM data to search the calendly email that that matches and then pull in the calendly event?

Calendly table showing email: data showing email. See below the calendly column to add corresponding scheduled event from contact


[Scheduled Events].Filter(currentValue.Email = thisRow.Email)

You can also add .First() if you want to make sure you’re only ever loading one Calendly entry in there (without it, you’re technically always pulling in a list of Calendly entries, even if there’s only one).

Does that get you what you need?


Hi Nick!

Thanks for the help. That worked perfectly.

Do you know if there’s a limitation on filtered view cross docs?
My issue is that I want to only cross doc the calendly information that is 30 days past and future. See image

However, the cross doc of the said filter doesn’t update. This would mean that someone seeing the appointment doc with calendly information will have all the years history of calendly. Maybe there’s another way to filter the data before it’s cross doc’d? I tried first cross doc’ing the main filtered calendly page “sean olivas calendly”. Then I tried a table view “filtered view of calendar” where that seemed to work for a minute but now refreshing the crm data page doesn’t show the filtered calendly appts.

Sorry for the long winded statement. Nonetheless, I’m super grateful on your help!

Best regards,

There are two ways for that filter to work: “personal” or “collaborative”. Make sure the filter is set to “collaborative” to impact what gets sent via cross doc. To be even more sure, you can remove that control, and just set the timing in filter settings for the table.

But also, I would recommend keeping an unfiltered copy of the table tucked away somewhere. Then:

  • Make a view of that table in this doc (if you need to do anything with it in this doc), and
  • Make another view of that table, whose sole purpose is to push out to the other doc via crossdoc. That way you can tune it exactly the way you want for cross-doc (including time-based filtering) without impacting anything else.
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