I’m trying to create a table where staff can input the breakdown of their daily work as a percent by area. This table has a button that will submit that info to a master Daily Work table and add their name to a list of staff for the day. It’s working for a single day, but if there is data from other days, it adds all those values together in the new row. Any ideas?
ModifyRows(filter([V2 Daily Production],Date= Today()), [V2 Daily Production].Staff, ListCombine([V2 Daily Production].Staff,thisRow.Name).Filter(CurrentValue.IsNotBlank())),
ModifyRows(filter([V2 Daily Production],Date= Today()), [V2 Daily Production].[Production Staffing], sum([V2 Daily Production].[Production Staffing].filter(currentValue),thisRow.Production)),
ModifyRows(filter([V2 Daily Production],Date= Today()), [V2 Daily Production].[Shipping Staffing], sum([V2 Daily Production].[Shipping Staffing].filter(currentValue),thisRow.Shipping)),
ModifyRows(filter([V2 Daily Production],Date= Today()), [V2 Daily Production].[Waterspider Staffing], sum([V2 Daily Production].[Waterspider Staffing].filter(currentValue),thisRow.Waterspider )),
ModifyRows(filter([V2 Daily Production],Date= Today()), [V2 Daily Production].[Non-Standard Work Staffing], sum([V2 Daily Production].[Non-Standard Work Staffing].filter(currentValue),thisRow.[Non-Standard Work] )),
ModifyRows(thisRow,thisRow.[Staffing Updated?],true))