Multi-day view for Calendar (not Weekly view)

Add a new view named “Multi-day”

In the “Multi-day” view, the layout is similar to the Week view, but with the following differences:

  1. An option to specify how many days to display
  2. Clicking the arrow < > buttons will move by one day instead of one week
  3. Use a horizontal scrollbar if too many days are set to be displayed at once
  4. The view may not necessarily start at Sunday/Saturday, so the First Day of the Week setting is not relevant.
  5. My other feature request Allow setting the date format of calendar’s weekly view should also apply here

Use case:

Trip planning.

If a trip span 9 days, during planning, we don’t want to go back and forth between 1st and 2nd week to view all the events or move events.

And the monthly view is not suitable either, because (a) we cannot see clearly the time of event, (b) the monthly view is too much for a 9-day trip, and (c) if the trip starts on Jan 27 and ends on Feb 4, we still need to jump back and forth.

So, we want a single view to view all 9 days at once, with similar look as the weekly view.

Similar feature request, “Multi-week” view

Similarly, add a new view named “Multi-week”, which is similar to the Month view, but with the following differences:

  1. An option to specify how many weeks to display (Google Calendar has similar feature (custom view) to display a specified number of weeks)
  2. Clicking the arrow < > buttons will move by one week instead of one month
  3. Use a vertical scrollbar if too many weeks are set to be displayed at once

I think this would be a great add. I’ve needed the four-day view to get my calendar visible through the weekend. I hacked this together with a four-column set, each with its own one-day calendars. It’s very ugly and not efficient with space, but it does get the job done for the time being. I would have tried to do it with Packs, but it seems packs are pretty limited at the moment.

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