Name of site not changing after assigning custom domain

After I assigned a custom domain name to a coda doc, I have not been able to change top left title of the doc from it’s template. See attached. I am also noticing a two second lag time between template name and custom domain information when use custom domain. Any ideas why?

Hi @anon73188488 , thanks for reaching out!

Would you mind sharing your doc with our Support team so we can take a closer look at the issues you’re encountering?

You can do that by going to the Share in the top right-hand corner, clicking the button in the top right (to the left of the “X”), and toggling on Share with Coda Support (the gif below shows how to do this).

Afterward, please send us a link to that doc in your response so one of our awesome Customer Champions can take a look for you! :smiley:

Hi Shaina, I did get it to work, thank you for responding.

Glad to hear you got things working @anon73188488 ! If there’s anything else we can help out with, please don’t hesitate to reach out again here in the Community.

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