Need Help with Streak Calculation in Coda

I’m working on a Coda doc where I’m tracking habits and their streaks. I need some assistance setting up formulas to calculate and display both the current and longest streaks for each habit. Here’s what I’m aiming to achieve:

  1. Current Streak: Calculate the streak for each habit up to today’s date.
  2. Longest Streak: Determine the longest streak for each habit across all recorded dates.

Here’s the structure of my table:

Name Date Streak
Habit 1 4/5/2024 1
Habit 1 4/6/2024 2
Habit 1 4/7/2024 3
Habit 1 4/8/2024 4
Habit 1 4/9/2024 5
Habit 1 4/10/2024 6
Habit 1 4/11/2024 7
Habit 1 4/12/2024 8
Habit 2 2/18/2024 1
Habit 2 2/19/2024 2
Habit 2 2/20/2024 3
Habit 2 2/21/2024 4
Habit 2 2/22/2024 5
Habit 2 2/23/2024 6
Habit 2 2/24/2024 7
Habit 2 2/25/2024 8
Habit 2 2/26/2024 9
Habit 2 2/27/2024 10
Habit 2 2/28/2024 11
Habit 2 2/29/2024 12
Habit 2 3/1/2024 13
Habit 2 3/2/2024 14
Habit 1 5/21/2024 1
Habit 1 5/22/2024 2
Habit 1 5/23/2024 3
Habit 1 5/24/2024 4
Habit 1 5/25/2024 5

I’ve tried the following formulas but need help refining them:

Streak Formula: thisTable.Filter(Name = thisRow.Name AND Date = thisRow.Date - 1).Streak.First().IfBlank(0) + 1

I also want to display the results above the table using text/formula block

How can I dynamically display the current and longest streaks for each habit above the table?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Hi, share doc for look all context or partial doc for example

The longest streak is pretty simple:

[streak-table].habit.Unique().ForEach(Concatenate(CurrentValue," - max: ",[streak-table].Filter(habit=CurrentValue).streak.max())).split(", ").Join(linebreak(True()))

results in:

For the other question I am not really sure what kind of list you want to produce.

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