Not Loading? Any Docs

Hi everyone. I’m trying really hard not to panic, but none of my Coda docs are loading. When I go into them, they simply give me a spinning wheel like it’s loading, and nothing populates. I’ve tried multiple browsers, Chrome and Safari, turned off ad blocking, and this is still happening. Thank you very much in advance! :slight_smile:

there is not much content, they are only text docs mostly. They were loading fine last week.

Hi @Human_Derek , so sorry to hear you are facing this. I see that Coda Support has gotten back to you so I will let you work with them but do let me know if you issue is not resolved shortly.

it was doing it for days and now it is magically better :slight_smile:

Thank you!!! :slight_smile:

What do you recommend for backing up Coda docs?

With Appreciation,

Derek LaCrone