Urgent — coda not loading



I’ve been trying to load my docs for about 30min now. I want to continue working and need Coda.
I just upgraded to the Team Plan of 36/month, with priority support, however I don’t find anywhere I can get priority support either.

Considering the fact that this is an integral part of our work environment, this is costing us A LOT of money. Please address.

I’ve never had Google Docs/Sheets/Calendar going down so far and they’re “free”.

Come on Coda. It’s 2019

Please reach out ASAP.


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We are experiencing the same issue here

Very laggy and docs not loading for me too.

I probably spend over 50 hours a week on Coda and been telling everyone about the great usability, hopefully they wont let us down …

Same. Really hope the team is able to fix this asap, we also just upgraded our plan. :grin:

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Was able to load my docs now! I think it is fixed!

Seems to be loading for me too now.

awesome great work everyone! :smiley:

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Hi guys, just wanted to shed some light on this here. The short of it is we had a huge spike of usage (maybe from new users signing up :grimacing:) around 6am PDT, which led to some performance issues affecting a subset of users. It looks like the degradation wasn’t severe enough for our automated systems to wake up on-call engineers, and it self-healed over time. We’ve since fixed the underlying problem so it doesn’t happen again.

With respect to priority support, we’re now prioritizing requests from paying customers in our support queue. However, at this time we still haven’t expanded support outside of normal business hours in Pacific Time (California), which is why you didn’t hear from us at that time. We’ll be working on adding support in other timezones in the future, but as you can imagine this will take some time for us to hire and train staff, etc.