Original Value of Column


I’m doing some product planning in Coda (LOVE IT SO FAR!), and one thing I’m trying to think of my model for is updates to projects. For example one planned in Quarter 1 that got moved to Quarter 2.

I’m wanting some way to tag a column’s original value, and/or it’s changelog over time. I’ve seen some examples of “Logs” that you need to click a button to edit the row, and I’d rather not do that. Alternatively, I’ve seen automations to give you the result from Step 1, but it’s only giving me the Display title vs the actual changes.

My best answer, I think, would be to have an Original Value column in the same table that is hidden, and it includes the value I selected first from the dropdown on the column, and any changes there-after are lost but you at least see the first value and the latest.



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Not sure if this is already what you’re describing in that sentence, but if you click the Expand Row button on the left (shortcut: Alt-Space), and scroll down to the bottom of the pop-up, you’ll see “Comments”. Click on it, and select “Activity & Comments” to see all changes in the history of the row.

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Exactly! But how do I get this to display in the table, or in a different table?

Still not sure any of these have answered the question. I want the historical first value of a column to be showed in another column. This would be a column with a Select Box, so I’d just want what we originally called it. An audit trail would also suffice!

Hi there @Chase_Schwalbach, what @Nick_HE has described above will show the audit trail, it’s just not super easy to aggregate.

To add the kind of ‘initial value’ column you’re looking for will be a bit unreliable, because in most cases, you’ll create a row with a blank initial value for the column, and then you’ll populate it, so the initial value is actually a blank value. What we’ll need to do is watch for the first update, I think.

What I’ve done in this example doc is to set up an automation rule that runs whenever a column is modified. If the initial value column is blank, then it’ll put the value from the first column into it, otherwise, it’ll put the initial value back.

Hope this helps!
