I have been creating some lesson plans with collapsible lesson lists using the collapsed text paragraph form. Suddenly today, all of the table views that were previously collapsed within the document that are not Headings are u-ncollapsed and the arrow bullet that once contained them is hollow/outlined.
I cannot create new tables like this either. Until today, I would type text, hit return, insert a table view, and then when I chose the arrow bullet paragraph option, the table was collapsed under that bullet as long as the table name was hidden from view. This is no longer working. It appears to work until I select the table I want to connect with, and then the arrow changes to the hollow outline and the table is a Heading 1, 2, or 3.
I cannot imagine a setting choice I made that would affect this change. Any advice for fixing this would be a big help!
Here are some images that might help explain what is going on.
Before today, the content of these table views would collapse into the arrow bullet above. My document is full of table views like this that are suddenly “uncollapsible” into the bullet that previously contained them.
Any ideas from the Coda team about what could have happened in the last two days to cause this change?
This is a huge time loss for me if I have to reorganize everything I have done. I am a new user of Coda, but I invested a lot into moving things to this platform for my organization, and we were very excited about the future potential for this in our community. This is a big blow and very defeating.
@Lindsay_Rhein, welcome to this community where we all try our best to help each other and share our learnings.
however, i suspect this behaviour is a BUG and not the expected behaviour of the product, possibly introduced by a change made by a coda engineer recently.
as such, it is best to report it as a bug to coda directly using the (?) button on the bottom right of the display.
such issues are beyond the ability of this user forum to address, so best to go direct to coda bug reporting for a rapid response.
If you’d like to use collapsible lists that is possible! you just need to increase the indent on the table to it is contained within the collapsible list. Here is an example of how to increase/decrease indentation on a table. Screencast at June 7th 2022 - 1.24.52 pm.gif - Droplr