Hi can someone help met with a coda structure?
It is for a company and they build custom vans. The problem is that the vans are completely complicated with all the different parts that come with it. I would like to build a coda doc where I can choose between all the different parts and then build the van from there. And also have an option to hide certain components from the chooser if they cant be directed to the same project.
Hi Christian, this sounds like something that can be done in Coda. You might want to ask over in Marketplace - Coda Maker Community
H iChristian,
Welcome to the community!
The functionality is definitely possible in Coda. Here is one of the discussions that have been had in the forum:
Of course, a BoM/ Product structure that is only two levels is much simpler, but seldomly realistic.
Hi Piet,
What do you mean with a structure with two levels. I just hope I can make a tabel where I can select different components to a project. So I think that is a two level structure. Hopefully will I also be able to add filters when different components aren’t compatible. But I will need to look further into that on how I will be able to let the system know certain components won’t be able to work together.
A bom with two levels would be
Car → engine
→ body
→ wheels
Three levels would be
Car → engine
Engine → block
→ piston x 4
→ sparkplugs
In my doc, rambling Pete’s quick examples there is an example of tenants for a building, split into existing vs prospective. In the relation table, you set a filter to show only prospective tenants in the drop down.
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