Quick add to a table from a lookup - a conundrum!

Hey Brendan!

I think your best friend in this situation would be a button to “Add Contact” which is linked to an expanded modal of your contacts table. You can even create a different view for adding a contact from a project than you might have on your regular contact page/table.

Here are some useful resources:

@Paul_Danyliuk Providing useful tips as usual. Although I personally had issues with UID so I used a different method that still relied on Row ID:

RunActions(AddRow([TABLE], [COLUMN],"value"),_Noop()._Delay(0),OpenWindow(concat("https://coda.io/d/thereallylongurlcodaprovidesfortheview/r",[Table].RowId.Last(),"&modal=true")))

In the above formula I added a row to a table and set a checkbox value to true - then the formula waited a bit because of the _Noop()._Delay(0) then I used OpenWindow() with the link to the specific view I wanted and used the RowID of the latest item.

A bit of a hack in this example with the delay, but it worked well enough for my specific circumstances.

Hope this helps!