Recurring tasks only on workdays


I’m building my ToDo-List with coda and have a problem with recurring tasks on workdays.

Daily, Weekly, Monthly task are working fine with this formula; this formula generate the “Next Scheduled Due Date”:

Switch(thisRow.Frequency, “Täglich”, thisRow.[Last Completed Date] +1, “Weekly”,thisRow.[Last Completed Date]+7,“Monthly”,RelativeDate(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],1),“3 months”,RelativeDate(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],3),“6 months”,RelativeDate(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],6),“1 year”,RelativeDate(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],12))

Is there a way, to generate tasks only for workdays?

Dear @Matthias_Kallweit,

The solution is in “

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This is the working formula:

Switch(thisRow.Frequency, “Täglich”, thisRow.[Last Completed Date] +1, “Weekly”,thisRow.[Last Completed Date]+7,“Monthly”,RelativeDate(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],1),“3 months”,RelativeDate(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],3),“6 months”,RelativeDate(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],6),“1 year”,RelativeDate(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],12),workday(thisRow.[Last Completed Date],1))

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