Size Limits & Doc Design Best Practices

I never link cross-doc items by references, but by Row IDs, Row UIDs, or your internal record IDs instead. Those are simple scalar values (numbers or text), and I re-link back to actual references on the receiving side.

E.g. in this Cross-doc table I’m importing Student UID and Class UID (red arrows; these are read from the Row object). Separately I’m importing a table of Students and a table of Classes. Then in the actual Class and _Student columns (blue arrows) I’m doing [IN Students].Filter(UID = thisRow.[Student UID]).First() and the same for the class.

This has multiple benefits:

  1. I’m not hard-dependent on row references, so if I e.g. have to delete and re-add the row and it’s a different row now, I can more easily restore its old ID back (e.g. make a manual override column) and everything will be linked correctly again.

  2. Most importantly, I don’t have to import base tables from the same doc like with row references. Here’s what I mean:

    • There’s a doc with Students table.
    • There’s a doc with Classes table where the Students table is imported. Classes are linked to Students.
    • There’s now a third doc where I want to import Classes along with Students.

    With reference linking, I’d have to import BOTH the Classes and the Students tables from the Classes doc. That’s because each time you import a table, it becomes like a new separate table on its own, with its own table and row IDs (and that’s logical because you can add more columns onto it). Now if this had to propagate even further, that’d mean that eventually in some terminal doc you’d have a cross-doc table that’s a cross-doc of a cross-doc of a cross-doc of the original one.

    With scalar ID linking though, I can always import tables from their respective source-of-truth docs and link together on the receiving side. And those don’t have to be base tables (like cross-doc references now enforce) but they can be views.