Currently, there is no way to specify what layout to open for a table row with formulas. Creating a parameter within the OpenRow function to open the row in a specified layout would be powerful.
Example Case:
You have a database of contacts. One button in the row opens a layout with general information about the contact. A second button opens a different layout that contains records of conversations you have had with this person.
Hi Alexander,
That functionality already exists in the openRow() formula.
The abive screenshots are from the Meetings page and Appointments pages in this doc:
That functionality indeed does NOT exist, we can open a view, not a layout.
Would be cool to finally see this being possible (it’s been asked for on this forum for like 3 years)
You can achieve this functionality by creating proxy tables (actually views) as @Piet_Strydom mentioned, but it is an awful workflow full of redundancies and I wish it got streamlined somehow.
Hi Baptiste,
I am confused and a noob to Coda. Yes, I am very green, so sum extent.
I am racking my brain on this very question. Can CODA do the following or similar to the above? If so how. I have looked at some many examples my head is spinning. This should not be THIS difficult or am I missing something. (Yes, you are hearing my frustration here.)
I would love any assistance you can provide.
I have the following documents (aka tables):
- CONTACTS (first, last, contact_ID)
- Address (address, city, state, zip, date effective, (contact_ID)
Contacts (primary) Address sub table
I can add rows to a doc, but the doc will not open.
I can open the address doc, but I have 20 entries of my own name.
within a contact, I want to open up the ADDR Doc, and add new address in or modify an existing address. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Actually, you open a layout that belongs to a view. And even though I agree it is not the most ideal solution, it works. You might think there it creates a bunch of redundancies, but based on my experience with Coda, I don’t think it creates redundancies, at least, I have not noticed a performance hit by having a lot of views for (big) tables.
You can create hidden pages where you build your views and use the layout that belongs to this view when opening rows anywhere in your doc.
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+1 for making OpenRow(row, viewOrLayout, viewMode) actually refernce Layout directly
Not sure what was the thinking behind tying this to a view.
Creating a whole bunch of placeholder views and hiding them is a bit convoluted