Surface pages in search results

Our team’s top complaint about Coda is still “Search doesn’t work” and it’s primarily because of this issue, so I’d like to follow up on this with a bit more context.

In Aug 2020, @AlanFang posted a great overview of the then-new improvements to search in Coda. These changes made it possible to search for a page by title, but they did not make it clear when you had successfully found a page by title. Alan pointed this limitation out in his overview then:

Note: In some cases, you may see a doc in the search results with no highlighted match. In these cases, the match is a page title.

This has the following effect:

  1. User wants to find the page “Artemis Roadmap”
  2. Type artemis roadmap into search
  3. The desired result does not seem like it contains the term “Artemis Roadmap”, even though they know for a fact there is a commonly referenced page with this title
  4. Instead of clicking on the desired page, user clicks on something else or second-guesses their search term

This has been undermining our team’s faith in Coda as a place you can put findable information.

Proposed Solution

While it would be great if the top-level search result’s title was the page title and it’s icon, it would still help a lot if the search result text contained something like “Page: Artemis Roadmap” highlighted. Right now correct page title search results look like they’re irrelevant.