Hi @Eric_Koleda ,
I’m trying my hands at building sync tables with two-way sync and have encountered disappointing UI behaviour. So much so, that want to check that it is indeed intentional and not a mis-configuration on my side:
- Is it really the intended behaviour that automatic sending updates on sync table stops for all rows after the executeUpdate function returns (not throws) a single UserVisibleError for a specific row?
Further background:
I’m calling my custom API which handles bulk upserts and returns an array of either updated row data if successful or error data which I capture in my pack and to UserVisbileError for that specific row. When bulk editing a column in the UI for the first time and intentionally setting one cells to an invalid value, I do get the UserVisibleError displayed as a little icon the left side of the concerned row as expected, and the the remaining rows update as expected. However, then automatic sending of updates just stops ! So I cannot continue working on my other valid rows or do anything until I reset all edits on the table from the top right button and start over.
This may be acceptable for a single user, but it makes collaborating on sync table impossible. If one of my doc users inputs invalid data in some view on some row. All of the other users will just not be able to do anything else.
- Is there really no way to reset edits for a single row ?
Further background:
Back to the collaboration example: if one user messed up a single row, can I provide them with a button to reset just their edits on that button and try again? It seems surreal that the only way right now is to just reset edits at the top level of the table, potentially nullifying every other collaborator’s work.
- Is it really the case that a user’s only way to fix a bad input on a single cell is to reset the whole thing?
Further background:
One unintended (and very bad) side effect of coda choosing to stop automatic sending of edits as soon as even just one row comes back with an error is: the user can’t just fix their mistake by typing again a correct value. it won’t sync. Their only option is to reset all edits on the whole table and try again.
I find these issues so glaring and massively crippling to the whole two-way Sync Table concept being sold that I’m telling myself I must be doing something wrong here with how I configured things?