The quality of the inserted images has deteriorated

While browsing some pages I found that some of the inserted images were overcompressed. Since I didn’t save the original file, I can’t prove it yet, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t insert images of that quality.
Can Coda modify inserted images?
Could this happen because I haven’t renewed my subscription for some time?

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Hey @Nurlan_A ,
Coda is using an image compression and storage engine for images placed on the canvas or in image columns. This is most likely to make sure latency is low and user experience is high.

Paul made a little guide on how to get better image quality here, but that requires some work – and usually the quality should be more than sufficient for most purposes. At least this should give you a chance to restore a better quality or compare the compression.

Also I personally don’t think it has something to do with subscriptions, but not sure.


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Thanks for the answer, Dainel!
The link workaround is complicated for normal image handling and makes the Coda experience worse. It would be nice to be sure that the content inserted into the Coda will not change over time.

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