'Unreachable code hit with value undefined' when sending edits from a Time column

Hello dear Coda community!
I’m stuck with I think a bug but not sure if its inherent to my code or a problem with two way sync.
Whenever I try to send edits from a Time column, I get the error Unreachable code hit with value undefined.
Capture d’écran 2023-11-28 à 19.45.01
From my tests, I only get this with a Time column. Any idea if this is indeed a bug with Coda SDK or any pointers for me to investigate my pack ?

Thank you !

Hey @Martin_Portevin , thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear you’re running into this issue. After escalating this to our bug testing team, they were unable to reproduce the issue as two way sync from cross-doc is working properly as shown here. However, they did mention that this issue could be specific to your Pack.

Hello @Shaina_Torgerson, thank you for your answer.
Yes I tested it in cross-doc and it works fine. But I have two packs with the same problem and not sure how to debug this. Any idea what to do with this “unreachable code hit” message ? Maybe @Eric_Koleda :smiley: ?
Looking at my source code I really don’t see what could trigger this, even less so for Time columns.

Some progress :grin: !
I found out that it doesn’t work if I define the Time column format as a string instead of a number :

So :

due_time: {
  type: coda.ValueType.String,
  codaType: coda.ValueHintType.Time,
  description: 'The due time of the activity in UTC.',
  mutable: true,

… instead of :

due_time: {
  type: coda.ValueType.Number,
  codaType: coda.ValueHintType.Time,
  description: 'The due time of the activity in UTC.',
  mutable: true,

But the documentation states that both should be supported.
For now I can finally fix my pack, but maybe this is an indication of something broken ?

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Thanks for the clue @Martin_Portevin! I am able to repro this, and it looks to be an error in the two-way sync code build into the SDK. I’ll file a bug with the engineering team, but it’s not clear how quickly it will be fixed.

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Excellent ! :partying_face:
Thank you for having looked into this. No problem for the speed, switching to a Number type and formatting the data back and forth did the trick in the meantime.