I feel like this is so simple but somehow I can’t figure it out…
I have one column with a date value, and a second column, which is a text formula, that I want to display as “21-01-Jan” etc, based on the date in that first column.
So I’m going for 2-digit year + 2-digit month number + 3-character month name.
I’ve tried a bunch of things but the only thing that’s worked so far is the Month Number bit. The rest I’m lost on. Here’s where I am currently, which displays as 2021-01-January:
Actually, the “MMM” or “MMMM” you can use in MonthName() is the 2nd and optional parameter you can place within the brackets of MonthName(), after the mandatory DateTime .
MonthName(dateTime, format)
E.g. : something like…
MonthName(Date(2021,11,29), "MMM")
… will return → Nov
MonthName(Date(2021,11,29), "MMMM")
… will return → November .
If you “chain” it you could have something like :
it would also return → Nov
The format in the documentation concerning this formula, is the format to use for this parameter in MonthName(). (and has nothing to do with Format() )
Now, concerning the specific formatting you want to use maybe this could help you :