Adding Related Row to current row FAILING!

Ok so since I started using Coda quite some time ago now, I have always used the formula ModifyRows(thisrow, columnName, addrow(relatedTable, column, data)) to add a record into a related table and update the current row with that added record. Sometime in the last two weeks something changed here.

Now, I have client docs failing because “blank” is getting inserted into those columns. So if a button runs an action on the related record say something like modifyrows(thisrow.relatedRow, column, data), then I get an error because now there are TWO items in that related column. Even when I have that related column set NOT to allow multiple items, these "blank"s are getting left in there. So buttons are failing. Formulas are failing and this isn’t just in one doc or even one client. I was importing records for a major client last week. I did what I have always done. Then suddenly from one day to the next, the process started failing. I then noticed all these "blank"s in there. I thought maybe I wrote my formula wrong so I fixed it using .first(). But I just spent this afternoon fixing several broken things in a client’s doc that was working fine and the root of the problem seems to be these "blank"s. I have submitted a bug report to Coda.

I’m wondering what changed? I do have an email waiting for me to read along with 50 other emails waiting for me to read and I saw something about a “new feature” with related rows. So I’m thinking that Coda made a change to related rows and now the way many of us have added these related rows in the past is not going to work. I just have to find that email! UGH.

If anyone has the quick answer please let me know. Thanks.

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Unfortunately I don’t have an answer for you, just echoing here that in the last couple of weeks I’ve been inserting a lot of .first() and .listCombine() to try to fix suddenly broken formulas. No idea what has changed. :man_shrugging:

Hi @Susan_M_Davis and @Niko_Nyman,

Thanks for flagging. This issue doesn’t seem to reproduce trivially. Can either of you share a repro of the issue either here or with support and we would be happy to take a look.



Hi @Niko_Nyman and @Susan_M_Davis if and when you’re able to share the reproducible example, please enable “Share with Coda Support.” You can share your doc by clicking on Share in the top right hand corner, then clicking the slider icon in the upper right. Then just toggle on the Share with Coda Support option. Make sure you also send us the link to your doc. Thanks!

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