Allowing people to subscribe to my Published CODA document

Is there a way to let readers of my blog subscribe, so that I can inform them of updates?

For example, I am building a document with working examples of how to do things in CODA. This is an ongoing project, and I would like to be able to send a notification to interested people once I have made an update.

Thanks for advising

Hi @Piet_Strydom!

For sure there is one!

I would make a form that collect users that are interested
Then, you have one table that act as “news DB” where you pick those user and you notify them (as a list)
Alternatives could be to make them subscribe to just “xyz” categories so they get update that regards just those, or using gmail instead of notifications :slight_smile:

Thanks for the idea, I will definitely try that out. And integrate with Zapier to Mailchimp.

So much stuff to learn!! :wink:

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