Creating a blog

Hi friends,

As I created a public personal blog with coda I have these pieces of feedback/feature requests:

  • I would like to create a user base. With tools such as substack, it’s possible to create a newsletter where people can subscribe to get notified when there is a new blog post. It would be great to have that option with Coda. Currently its difficult because I’d have to make my blog “editable” to others. Also, it’s unlikely that viewers would be used to using Coda, so it would have to be something new designed as an “email-drop” of shorts.
  • The ability to have comments: I’d like for others to add comments as they’d do in Medium or with a tool such as disqus.
  • Currently, I have to create the list of blog posts manually. It takes me time. Ideally, the list would be auto-populated without me having to create it. Similar to how it happens with Wordpress.
  • I’d like to create a blog for our company, not tied to my own name, but currently, I can only post with my handle @raul. It would be great to have one under the name of our company.
  • It would be great if I could get reactions such as claps on medium, or likes on facebook.
  • I’d love to see analytics similar to the ones in for each article (section) and also for the entire document.

This is the piece:


Hi @Raul_San_N.H :slight_smile:

You doc looks great! Nice work! :smiley:
I’ll give you my ideas for your case :slight_smile:

If i had to, i will create a Users (or readers) table, where columns could be
Reader / Is this subscribed on mailing list? (like a checkbox) / others (like groups or other type of data)

This then could be moved in a view playable by users, where they can using buttons, add themselves or unsubscribe themselves from the mailing list :slight_smile:
That would definitely needs readers to access to your doc on coda, that could be a cons for your user (need a new account, new interfaces to understand, ecc) or a PRO (if in that view of the users settings you create new settings, like “how many week mail?” or "What layout do you prefer for your email? or better "Do you want to receive all updates or just the “x-category” ones? :smiley:

This could be an easy and interesting solution :smiley:

Coda supports natively comments basically in every row or tables, but you’ll need your users to have an account and use them on coda (this depends on your choice from the above :slight_smile: )

In this regard, i can suggest to create a formula to change the behaviour of users in coda using suggestion from the big @Krunal_Sheth

This allow you to become “Your Company Name Here” (without using another coda account made for the case), in any needed situation :slight_smile:

That could be easily achieved if you choose to follow the “alternative” ruote, so to create your newsletter service directly on coda, here you are the master, you can add claps :call_me_hand:, hearts :green_heart:, dinosaur :sloth: or whatever :smiley:

This could be then relased in the Template Gallery and help every other future user :grin:

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