Android Storage Permissions

I’m attempting to upload through the android app and a popup stating “to upload images, allow Storage Permissions” but there is no way to do this in the settings if the app doesn’t ask for the specific permisssion.

Anyone know how to get this to work?


Hey @Newton_Lo thank you so much for bringing this to our attention! We’ve gone ahead and filed this as a bug. Turnaround time can vary, so I don’t have a clear timeline on when it will be completed, but we’ll update you once it has been resolved. Apologies for any inconvenience in the meantime!

Hello! I am experiencing the same issue - a new user installing the Coda app on an Android phone is not able to use “Upload Image” function, and on the App Permissions, we are unable to assign any permissions to Coda.

My doc release is heavily reliant on this feature, I’d appreciate it if this can be fixed as soon as possible.


Thanks for reaching out to let us know about this issue. This sounds like it might be related to a known bug the Coda team has identified. That said, we have moved this post to the Suggestion Box: Bugs section of the Community and somebody from the Coda team will be following up with any updates on this issue. Thanks for hanging in there!

Hi there,
Any updates on this issue? I’m experiencing the same and it’s pretty anoying. We have some processes dependent on uploading images and I am unable to fulfill them. Thanks

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I want to add onto this. This is an important issue that i also need fixed!

Just came across this same issue. Any updates?

This issue is also affecting my ability to use my docs fully. Updates are appreciated!

Same issue :frowning: No fix yet?

Looks like the bug is fixed. Thanks to the Coda team for taking care of the issue!

I unfortunately am still experiencing this issue with the most up-to-date version of the app :confused: do you know if you changed anything in particular to make it work?

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