We live in a remote area of Montana with only a small grocery store and no other places to shop other than a local hardware store. The nearest Walmart is 3.5 hours away in North Dakota. The closest other stores are 5 + hours away.
This means we order a LOT of stuff on line that is delivered. We also have difficulty with the local UPS and Fed Ex services misdelivering packages, losing them, etc. Nothing ever arrives on the day it is supposed to and I have spent hours trying to find packages that were left somewhere they shouldn’t have been.
To prevent losing something we ordered, I am tracking every order we place and every tracking number that is generated. I use the UPS, FedEx and USPS packs in a table to give me updated information so I don’t spend all day going to these services to see status changes, etc.
What I’m finding is using the packs forces Coda to refresh and I cannot find any way to have it only refresh tracking numbers that are not yet delivered. It seems packs will refresh the entire table. This winds up taking time for processing whenever any row is updated.
I’m probably not up to 1000 rows yet, but it could easily become that as Sam’s Club seems to choose to ship each item in an order in it’s own box with it’s own tracking number!
So I was thinking perhaps instead of keeping all of the tracking information in one table I could archive delivered tracking records into an archive table but keep them linked to the original order table. I was a database/software developer for decades so I like having access to old data. Should I ever need to know when something arrived or if I just wanted to run reports to see if our shipping services ever improve up here, I just like to keep my history of data.
I tried moving this to another document but since I cannot afford the $30 a month for the top level of Coda the Cross Doc doesn’t seem to be very useful. So I was considering making a table for delivered orders, moving the records once they are marked RECEIVED to this other table and then remove the rows that give the updates from Fed Ex, UPS, and USPS. Once they are delivered those rows are fairly irrelevance since I have the shipping date and the received date, I can ignore those fields of expected delivery date, status, etc.
I honestly haven’t looked to see how many rows my tables have. In my document, however, I also have several things I do daily. So by the end of the year I will have several tables that will have 365 rows. I expect I will want to move that data out. I haven’t yet decided if it would be best to copy my entire doc, save that copy as 2021 and then make the new one for 2022 and delete all of the 2021 items out of the new doc for 2022.
So I have an immediate need to move things out of one table to another and I’m considering how my doc will perform in the future.
Thank you.