I’d like access to the beta too please
April 30, 2020, 10:04pm
I would like to try this as well, please!
Could I get access to the beta?
May 1, 2020, 10:00pm
Thanks again everyone for the feedback and the overwhelming interest in the beta! We’ve just turned on this feature for everyone and it should be coming to all docs soon.
Please keep the feedback coming!
A few weeks ago, we invited members of the community to try out a new way to organize your docs. Today, I’m excited to share that we’re beginning to roll-out Pages to all docs. As you may have seen in our Beta Announcement, we’re going a step beyond folders and sections as we introduce Pages. All pages have an editable surface that can contain text, tables, views, etc., and pages can nest within each other. Now, the hierarchy within your doc has no limits.
[Screen Recording 2020-04-30 at 08.44 …