One of the great things about Notion and Airtable is the ability to nest views and pages in a menu that doesnt see them all clumped into a single document which can get hard to wrangle at higher volume.
Does Coda plan on supporting nested sections/pages, views?
This feature is definitely needed.
+100 for this feature!!
OK, I guess really just +1, but …
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October 4, 2019, 1:21pm
That would be a great add-on !
Nothing happened passed 5 months
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April 16, 2020, 11:42pm
The team has been hard at work to make this happen. If you want to sign up for the Beta, check it out here…
We’ve been hard at work to address a frequent , top feature request from our amazing community for nested folders & sections. We’re hoping we can count on you to help us shape our solution a bit further before our upcoming launch.
We’re calling the new features, Pages and Subpages.
[Screen Recording 2020-04-16 at 04.16 PM]
To try it out
If you’d like to test this new feature, let us know in the comments below, and I’ll reach out with instructions.
Some things to know before you try