Beta Access To... Slash Commands

I’m interested in trying this feature.

Interested in trying this feature!

I’d like to give it a try!

Count me in. Where do I click to make it happen?

I’m interested. How do I sign up?

Interested. Sign me up.

Yes, very interested, thank you.

Add me to the beta. Thankss!

I’d love to try this.

I’d like to check it out

Yes, I’d love to try using the slash commands. Sign me up, Angad!
You’re the best :hugs:


Yes, please. Interested as well.

I’m interested! Please let me know how to join

1000% interested to try this :pray:

Hi Angad, I am interested in testing the Beta.


Hi Angad, I am interested in testing this feature.


I’d like to try out the beta for this feature!

I too would be very interested in testing!

Count me in please :slight_smile:

I would love to beta test the slash command feature.