Buidling a team hub with different permissions..would this work?

Hi experts! Coda lover here with a moderate amount of experience (but a former Notion power user).

I am building kind of a team hub within Coda. Each department/team will have their own document/space to work in to keep permissions tidy(ish).

But there are common things I need to share. I think I kind of have this figured out but I feel like I’m missing something so, before I go and build this out, I wanted to get some feedback if you guys have a few minutes to share with me.

The idea is this:

  1. Create a document that stores the commonly used tables with only information that’s viewable by all. Example: the basic team directory with names, pics, emails. We’ll call this Users.
  2. Create the team document/space. Example: Customer Service.
  3. In Customer Service, create a page that holds tables and other data (and eventually hide it).
  4. Create a crosssync on my Users table un this hidden area.
  5. Create a new page called Time Off and make a relation to the CS/Users table.
  6. In theory, only people with access to the Customer Service page/space will see that information, since it’s not reporting back to the root Users table, right?

Does that make sense? Essentially, I want to crossdoc to some core tables within each Document, then use them as reference columns in new tables that only members of that Page can see.


Hi @Ryan_Smith ,

Welcome to the community!

There’s no problem creating relation columns pointing at cross-doc tables, and none of the data from the Team Docs should leak in anyway outside of the document.

Changes you do in your cross-doc table will of course get synced back to the Central doc if you activate 2-way sync.

Hope this helps,


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I’m actually just prototyping a team + knowledge hub and I’m having the same thoughts regarding access, privacy and control, but also having centralised DB Tables :thinking::thought_balloon:

I’ll follow up here once I have more details, maybe we compare notes :grin:


Thanks for the reply! I spent the past day building and testing it and agreed – this is working really well. It takes a little more thought about where data lives and what audience it’s for, but this should work really nicely.

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I would love to hear about your results!