Button to decrease inventory & move to existing row

Hi All!
I’d appreciate any help you can give a complete beginner here.

I’m trying to create an appliance parts inventory system for my repair business.
(technician’s truck stock, warehouse inventory, etc)

I’d like to have a button which will perform multiple actions with a single click.
I believe I will need RunActions, but perhaps there is a better way to acheive this.

I would like to have a button to “Transfer a Part” from one location to another. (one truck to another for example) giving the user the option for how many parts they’d like to transfer from their inventory location and the ability to pick where they’d like to transfer them to.

User will click “Move Parts”
How many would you like to move? (user selects number to move)
Where would you like to move them? (user selects location)
The row quantity in current location is decreased by this amount & if this part # exists already in the new location the row is increased by that number.
If no part # exists currently, a new row would be created.

I hope this makes sense. If you have any tips to help point me in the right direction, I’d really appreciate it.


Hello @Andy_Fulenchek ,
The good news: this can be done in Coda.
The bad news: this is not an easy task for a beginner.
You need to set up your tables just the right way: items, locations, inventory and perhaps a few more.
The question is not whether you need runactions, but how the logic is going to be constructed.
This community is about helping each other with finding the right formulas, sometimes helping to improve the workings of an existing (dummy) doc.
Your question is so broad, the only helping answer is (in my opinion) to build a working demo app, but that is really to much to ask, because it would take me, and I guess anyone, a day or longer to get you a decent working demo doc.
If you really want this in Coda and you are a complete beginner, you are going to have to contact a consultant.
Greetings, Joost

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That’s fair enough! I really appreciate your weighing in.
I’ll work for now on getting the structure set up and then take the next bite.

I appreciate the help.


This could be done with a helper table - one that will hold all the fields the user has to select (how many, location, etc).
In that table you will have a button that will use a RunActions and a bunch of if statements to check the conditions you putting here.

It’s not the most simple thing to do, but you grab an idea from Paul, on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erTra-eNW7A, where he shows an example of using a helper table.

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Hi Andy,

Welcome to Coda!

I always say to newcomers they need to be prepared to redo their first major doc three times.

The first time to unlearn what you know. The second time to implement the Coda way. And the 3rd to get it right… :wink:

But it’s just a ramble,
Rambling Pete


Thank you! I’ll check that out.
It’s not an urgent project for me, but will give me a goal to work toward as I’m learning.


Hey all,
Thanks again for the motivation and encouragement here.

I was able (with the vast help of ChatGPT) to get something hammered out.

Here’s a quick demo of what I came up with. Very excited to start using it.

Thanks again!