Calculate week of the month

Was asked recently if it was easy to calculate the week of the month and this is how I do it -

Here are the formulas I used. ( feel free to hide the first day of month column)

First Day of Month = ((MyDate- MyDate.Day()) + 1)
Week of Month = MyDate.WeekNumber() -[First Day of Month].WeekNumber()+1


Great stuff here.

My team works in two-week sprints.

I wonder if there’s a way to automagically add a row to a Sprint (example sprint name = “Sprint 1/2” … Which would be for the sprint that occurs during the first and second week of the year)

I’m trying “not” to have to create a table with 52 week rows and 26 sprint name rows. Hmmmm… Any help would be clutch! :bar_chart:

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