Can Coda be embedded seamlessly into a webpage?

I’m working on building an inventory database to show if a book is available. My colleague would like this table to be embedded on our website so users can see real time data if a book they’re interested in is available. Since our users are 70+ years old, we want to keep this dead simple for them and offer a seamless integration with our website. I’ve customized our JotForms to look perfectly at home on our website, so that’s what I’m interested in with Coda too.

If this isn’t possible, what suggestions do you have to get the info back out of Coda and to a service which will allow me to do the seamless embed?

Ideally, I want to use Coda to directly get the book requests from the user, so the doc would need to be interactive too so the request form will work.

You can embed a Coda doc in a website as an iframe and it’ll work just fine. One issue that sometimes affects embedded docs is they often require more scrolling since they’re showing in a smaller window.

We did launch publishing for Coda docs that give a nice clean layout which might also be an option…

Hello, BenLee! I tried doing an embed on a non-published page on our website. Strangely enough, that’ll work in showing the information in the below image (but still has the editor toolbar showing). When I published the page and viewed it in Incognito, the embed never loads.


The code I’m using is (with dummy link):

<iframe src="" 
  width=900 height=500 
  style="max-width: 100%; margin:-8px; margin-top:-58px;" 
  allow="fullscreen ">
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I second this comment. Embed in incognito is never loading now (wasn’t the case before) and actually embedded content is much slower in loading than before.

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