Can't apply personal templates to existing pages

I’m trying to apply templates to already created pages but I only see how to use templates to create new pages.

It isn’t posible?


Hi @Anthony_Fernandez_Ferrandiz :blush: !

When you’re in the InsertTemplates menu, instead of clicking on Preview and then Insert as page, you can drag n’ drop the concerned template from the list of templates on the canvas of the page where you want to add it… This shouldn’t create a new page :blush: .

You can also use the /slash command menu to insert the desired template without necessarily creating a new page :blush:

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Lol, there is always a “but”…
It’s the first thing a did and…
Where the “but” is…
It does nothing…

I choose a template with different settings than the one I drag the template into and…
Then, I’m here again…

And yes, I’m the owner of the doc…


I’m sorry but what do you mean by this :point_down: @Anthony_Fernandez_Ferrandiz ?

I mean, this is what happens when I drag-n-drop a template …

Template drag n drop

And this is when I insert a template through the /Slash command menu …

Template slash command

Are we talking about the same thing here ? :innocent:

Hi Pch,

I think that you and @Anthony_Fernandez_Ferrandiz are talking about different things. It sounds to like he is looking for something like “Styles” in word, or stylesheets in webdesign - i.o.w. something that can change the look and feel retroactively.

Not a boilerplate with the basics, which you then fill with your specific data rows.



Let’s say I have templates with Cover, Page’s Icons, Layout and options all prepared.
I’m not speaking of having blocks of texts with texts styles etc…

In my mind a “Template” is something that could be called “models” too…
If I create a new page I should get somewhere, in a evident place, a menu with my templates allowing me to choose one (the right panels would be a good place but somewhere in the “…” menu where “Add page” is would be perfect too…

Then selecting this templates would create a new page with all options I defined in the template…
You know there is nothing like that in the “…” menu…

And dragging the template name from le right panel to a new page just do nothing…
It doesn’t apply anything I defined into the template (@Piet_Strydom named this “Styles”, that’s just “models” of document and exists since before my birth day…

I was then asking myself but “Whats is the purpose of thoses ‘templates’ if we cannot use it easily”…

Reading @Piet_Strydom comment I then realized if they are simply dragged from the right panel like “blocks” then those “templates” are probably just to use like blocks with things already defined into and not like “Pages” with all properties already defined…

It now makes sense…


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