Closed - Timezone support: looking for beta testers

Happy to test in London!

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I’d love to test this functionality, sign me up!

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Sign me up too please.

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How can I test it? I live in Norway and we have offices in NY and Oslo.

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I would like to test it … now() + hours(9) => Central European Time (Berlin/Germany)

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Sign me up! Work in Germany, but coordinate with people in Canada and other countries.

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Sign me up as well (EDT)

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Coming from the localisation industry, I definitely am quite interested to participate in this test. (EET) (GMT+2).

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:raised_hand: please


For those of you who volunteered here is the post with the details - Ability to change timezones is turned on for you!

If you cannot access the post or the settings please let me know. We are excited to see you try it out and help test it.

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There is a bug with the calendar view. Adding an event spreads the event over 2 days. Moving the event inside the calendar to a different day, will change the time to 12 AM.

Wrong drawing:

Wrong time after dragging event:

Hint for the devs: If an event is moved within the month view, ignore the time and change only the day. The wrong drawing over 2 days should be easily fixed :wink:


Bit off topic, so apologies, but how are you dragging events on the Calendar? I’ve never been able to do that, but would love to be able to!

Happy to test! Located in Australian Eastern Standard Time zone.

@mallika hope it’s not too late to sign up… just joined yesterday. Pasting in dd/mm/yyyy formatted data from an external table and changing the column format from text to date, coda tries to force the mm/dd/yyyy date format and corrupts the data.

Keen to join Beta! New Zealand Time

I’d love to help beta test timezones since our team is headquartered in GMT+2 and regularly works with people in every US Timezone. What would be really incredible is transparent support for working in multiple timezones simultaneously.

Working from EDT. Please add me to timezone beta if possible. Thank you!

Hello, Working for EST. Would love to be added to the beta. Thank You

@Katiee, @aventura, @D3SL, @Rafe, @Kilian, @Brenton_Kalisch - please check out