Coda 2.0 Pricing Updates

Yes exactly, Coda has such a diverse feature set with so many different use cases I am starting to think a very modular pricing structure to match that makes a lot of sense.

Right now, my requirements for Coda is just large docs, my table usage is purely for the visualisation of a table, I’m not using tables for any formulaic use cases. Like, a markdown based version of a table would suit me fine.

But I can also imagine a new project or idea popping up that would require more from Coda so being able to just add an additional module to unlock the necessary features would be great.

I can imagine there’s others like me who won’t want to pay $12 a month purely to be able to write more in a doc so I think Coda are missing out on an additional market.

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I aggree your point. and that’s why i suggest much more Doc featues and UI/UX.
The reason is that between 2018, 2019, Coda was focusing on advanced Table features if you check out coda updates histroy. But everyone need Doc, the doc is the most of basic requirements. like txt, word, markdown.

In other words, I think Coda is the future what I imagine. That’s why I love coda and try to replace others: replace Notion, Airtable(pure web database ,web excel, Clikcup, Trello(pure task/project app), Todoist(pure todo app).

Totally agree. Many free ppl beginning requirement is the same as you. include mine, you’re right and not alone.

I like this concept about price .

Coda Team have to consider again about price strategy.

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This discussion has served its purpose, and all comments here are noted. We’ve already launched the new pricing model and it’s been very well received.

Feel free to message me if you have other concerns.