Coda as a backend

Hello all,

for a MVP I am using coda as a backend.
I am wondering if you have any feedbacks on this. What would be the limitations. ?..
Thanks for you feedback

Hi @Alexandre_Husset,
it would be certainly easier to answer if you can outline a bit more your MVP use-case.

It depends if you intend “backend” in its architectural (e.g. acting as a database for the front-end) or business (e.g. administrative or service activities) meaning.

The former is surely not the ideal option, while the latter is certainly the Coda zone and there are several helpful example in the Gallery.

What is the supposed P of your MVP? :slightly_smiling_face:


I am building a mobile app and web app.
it needs to be an mobile app because I am using BLE capabilities. Therefore I am using Thunkable to do it.
I used coda for the Back office, for the customer data, the CRM, … and the application is using the same data so doing a dpulication of the data does not make any sens.
My problem is how long can I use this stack. size of the table, access, …
For the moment it is working well but I am trying to anticipate.

Hi @Alexandre_Husset,
I don’t know Thunkable well, but I think it can also connects with Google Sheets for data.

You can synchronise your Coda application through Coda API or via 3rd party SaaS integrators (Zapier, Integromat).

Whether this is a viable and scalable solution or not depends on the volume of data you think it will handle and its complexity.
What is the magnitude order of rows you foresee?


1000 rows per user
for now 1000 users